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Welcome to the RACGP AGPT Application Portal


If you are an Applicant who has registered to apply for the program, please login below using your most recent Applicant ID or email address and password.

If you have not previously registered to apply for the AGPT Program through the RACGP and do not have an AGPT Applicant ID and password, please click here to register with the RACGP for the AGPT 2026 Cohort.

If you have any issues, please contact the RACGP on 1800 4RACGP (1800 472 247) or International +61 (03) 8699 0300 or via email at

  Email Address: (Applicants only)
  User Name/Applicant Id:
  Password: *
Statement on privacy:

By logging on to the Selection Assessment Management (SAM) system users acknowledge that their entries and actions may be logged and audited by the SAM system.

This will be done in accordance with the APP Privacy Policy which the RACGP and the Department of Health are bound by. This is accessible at:

The RACGP's Privacy Policy is accessible at:

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