Welcome to the 2026 RACGP AGPT Application Website.

All applicants must first register in order to submit an application. Once registered you will be issued with a 2026 Applicant ID and taken to the Applicant Portal where you can access the online form to begin completing your application.

Registrations are open until 11:59 PM (AEST) Tuesday, 8 April 2025

Applications for entry into the 2026 cohort of the AGPT Program are now open and will be accepted until 11:59 PM (AEST) Tuesday, 8 April 2025.   Already Registered for 2026?  Proceed to Login

General information about the RACGP's AGPT Eligibility and Selection process is available from the RACGP website.

If you have difficulty accessing your application, please contact RACGP on 1800 4RACGP (1800 472 247) or International +61 (03) 8699 0300 or email AGPTeligibility@racgp.org.au and state your Applicant ID.

Register as an applicant for the 2026 cohort of the AGPT Program

Additional Information

First Name: * Last Name: *
(under which medically registered)
Gender: * Date of Birth: (dd mm yyyy)*
Email: * Confirm Email (please re-type): *
Phone Number: *  
Create new Password: * Confirm Password: *
Passwords must be between 10 and 15 characters in length. Passwords must contain a mix of upper and lower case and include at least one number. Allowable characters are a-z, A-Z and 0-9.
Have you registered for the AGPT program in the past 5 years? *
Identity Question: * Answer: *
This question and answer will be used to confirm your identity if you forget your password.    
I wish to enroll in the: * Information regarding the Rural Generalist Fellowship can be found here.
How did you hear about the AGPT Program: *    

APP 5 Notification

Your personal information is protected by the Privacy Act 1988. Your personal information is collected by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners to assess your suitability for the AGPT program. This information is also required for the purpose of administrating and managing your training if your application is successful. If you do not provide the personal information requested, the RACGP will not be able to accept your application. If you consent, the information you enter on your application will be disclosed to the RACGP in ‘real time’ to allow the RACGP the opportunity to contact you in relation to your application before you submit it.
I consent to the RACGP collecting sensitive information, such as information about my racial ethnic origin, professional association and in rare cases, health information about me: *
RACGP Membership No (if applicable):